A comparative study of Prameha Roga from the Brihatrayee.

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The study of this Prameha Roga reveals the rich knowledge of the Ayurveda developed since the time immemorial. Although descriptions of this disease are scattered in different classics of Ayurveda but here importance has been given to Brihatrayee. The aim and object of this paper review the well documented concept of the Ayurveda about the Prameha Roga as the trend of diabetes is increasing day by day in the society and is very difficult to prevent and manage owing to its complexity. The Ayurvedic concept of this Roga information on the subject regarding classification, characteristics, features etc. has been also made in this paper. This article highlights the wisdom of ancient Indian literature and some historical view of the disease i.e. Prameha Roga or Diabetes Mellitus.
Baruah D, Gupta OP. A comparative study of Prameha Roga from the Brihatrayee. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 2002 Jul-Dec; 32(2): 93-107