What motivates an ASHA? Narratives from Ramanagara district, Karnataka

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Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine
Background: The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) aimed to bridge the gap in rural health care with the introduction of the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) in 2005. It is essential to identify the motivators and barriers to work performance by the ASHAs in order to facilitate better health care in the community. Objective: To identify the motivators and barriers to the work performance of ASHAs in the Solur PHC area, Ramanagara district, Karnataka. Material & Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in one PHC area of Ramanagara District, Karnataka. Four KIIs with government health functionaries and one FGD with nine ASHAs were conducted. A thematic frame-work approach was used for data analysis. Results: The main personal motivators were altruism and intrinsic satisfaction, while social support and team-work were important environmental motivators. De-motivating factors were financial problems such as insufficient pay and irregular financial incentives, as well as logistic difficulties, including transportation and safety. Conclusion: Personal, cultural, financial considerations and working conditions affect the performance of an ASHA. It is essential to address relevant issues faced by these health workers in order to improve their work satisfaction and efficiency.
ASHA, Motivation, Barriers, Work Performance, Qualitative Research
Thattil AMT, Johnson AR, Thomas P, Maria J, Dangmei R, Thimmaiah S. What motivates an ASHA? Narratives from Ramanagara district, Karnataka. Indian Journal of Community Health. 2019 Mar; 31(1): 36-42