Antenatally Diagnosed Upper Moiety Hydronephrosis In A Child With Ectopic Ureter: A Case Report

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Atharva Scientific Publications
An ectopic ureter is any ureter, single or duplex, that does not enter the trigonal area of the bladder. In a duplex system, the ectopic ureter is inevitably the upper pole ureter. In males, the ectopic ureter always enters the urogenital system above the external sphincter. The majority of ectopic ureters are detected through prenatal ultrasound imaging, even if the specific diagnosis is not made until after birth. Radionuclide renal imaging remains the gold standard for renal functional assessment, and this is usually best provided by dimercaptosuccinic acid imaging. The goals of therapy are the preservation of renal function; elimination of infection, obstruction, and reflux; and maintenance of urinary continence. We report a case of a 6-month-old male child presenting with urinary tract infection. The child was diagnosed to have had a cystic dilatation of the right upper moiety on antenatal ultrasonography imaging
Nerli Rajendra B, Deole Sushant, Hiremath Murigendra B, Dixit Neeraj S. Antenatally Diagnosed Upper Moiety Hydronephrosis In A Child With Ectopic Ureter: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Case Reports. 2018 May; 4(3): 245-247