Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Oral Health Promotion: Analysis of Students and Professionals Knowledge

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Aims: Verify the indications of medicinal plants and herbal medicines carried out by professors and academics of the dentistry course, and their knowledge about the interaction of medicinal plants and herbal medicines with medications of continuous use. Materials and Methods: An evaluation instrument was applied to professors who practice the profession of dental surgeon and students of the dentistry course on the indication of herbal and phytotherapeutic products to their clients in the clinic and in the office. Results: A total of 52 subjects participated in the research, providing a total of 5 different types of plants cited and 1 herbal medicine, highlighting Malva sylvestris, and not reporting the knowledge of the subjects on any type of drug interaction. Conclusion: There is a lack of knowledge among professional dental surgeons and students about the use and benefit of natural resources such as medicinal plants and herbal medicines.
Phytotherapeutic drugs, medicinal plants, herb drug interactions, dentistry
da Silva Eufrásia Maria Alves, Silva Mariana Freire, Moraes Gabriela Fracasso, Burci Lígia Moura. Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Oral Health Promotion: Analysis of Students and Professionals Knowledge. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2018 Aug; 24(4): 1-8