The Knowledge and Practice of Space Management among Dental Practitioners of Central India

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Society for Health Care & Research Development
Premature loss of primary teeth can result in the space loss leading to malocclusion. Space maintenance forms an integral part of preventive and interceptive orthodontics. Early interception and prevention of malocclusion in deciduous and early mixed dentition prevents the space loss, thereby, reducing or eliminating the need for later orthodontic treatment. Therefore, the present study was conducted to find out the knowledge and practice of space management among dental practitioners of Central India. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among practicing dentist of Central India to find out their knowledge and practice of space management over the time period of 6 months. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Committee. The questionnaire consisted of questions assessing four main categories; (a) Demographic data, (b) knowledge regarding space management, (c) practice of space maintainers. The demographic data included age, gender, educational level. Data were processed and analyzed using Excel (Microsoft Excel, Version 2013) and SPSS version 21.0 programs. Results: In our study total practicing dentist were 320 in which 190(59.37%) were male dentist and 130(40.62%) were female dentist. Participating dentist were of age <25 were 125(39.06%) and of age group 25-40 were 93(29.06%) and of age group 41-60 were 102(31.87%). 210 (65.62%) participating dentist were BDS and 110 (34.37%) participating dentist were MDS. 290(90.62%) participating dentist know when space maintainers were used. 320(100%) participating dentist know that space maintainers require special care wih brushing. 230 (71.87%) participating dentist know what type of food should be avoided when having space maintainers. 180(56.25%) dentist know how often space maintainers will be taken out. 175(54.68%) dentist know if the space maintainer was lost or broken what time is best to go to the dentist. 175(54.68%) dentist practice space management. Conclusion: Our study concluded that maximum number of practicing dentist have knowledge about space management and more than half the dentists who participated in this study practice space management in their practice.
Space management, primary teeth, preventive orthodontics, interceptive orthodontics
Gupta Neha Nigam, Gupta Kshitij, Agrawal Kunaal, Srivas Anup Kumar. The Knowledge and Practice of Space Management among Dental Practitioners of Central India. Annals of International medical and Dental Research. 2019 Jul; 5(4): 86-88