Misoprostol and Oxytocin in induction of labor

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Educational Society for Excellence
Background: Induction of labor is defined as the process of artificially stimulating the uterus to start labor. It is usually performed by administering oxytocin or prostaglandins to the pregnant woman or by manually rupturing the amniotic membranes. Objective: Main objective of the study was to find out are there any differences in maternal and neonatal / fetal outcomes after induction labor with misoprostol and oxytocin beyond 37 weeks of gestation. Materials and methods: This was a hospital-based study carried out in 431 inductions of labor during the study period. Total 327 women met the criteria and were enrolled into study. Misoprostol of 25 μg was inserted in posterior fornix of vagina or oxytocin infusion was started from 2.5 units on whom induction was decided. Maternal and fetal/ neonatal outcomes were observed. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS and MS Excel. Results: Analysis of onset of labor led to the finding that mean onset of labor was much rapid in oxytocin (7.2 h) than misoprostol (12.7 h). However, there is similarity in induction–delivery interval in both groups. Overall, the rate of normal delivery and caesarean section was found to be 64.8% and 38.2%, respectively. Fetal distress was found as the most common reason for caesarean section. The overall occurrence of maternal complication was found to be similar in misoprostol and oxytocin groups, nausea/vomiting being the most common complication followed by fever. Besides this, the most common neonatal complication found in overall cases was meconium stained liquor. K. Sharada, Hema Warrier, Ajay Kumar Reddy, P. Thulasi. Misoprostol and Oxytocin in induction of labor. IAIM, 2018; 5(3): 97-105. Page 98 Conclusion: It was found that misoprostol was used most frequently for induction of labor compared to oxytocin. The onset of labor was found to be rapid in oxytocin than misoprostol. However, the occurrence of side effects was found to be similar in both misoprostol and oxytocin groups.
Fetal outcome, Induction of labor, Maternal outcome, Misoprostol, Neonatal outcome, Oxytocin
Sharada K, Warrier Hema, Reddy Ajay Kumar, Thulasi P. . Misoprostol and Oxytocin in induction of labor. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2018 Mar; 5(3): 97-105