To Assess the Role of Non Contrast Enhanced Spiral CT in Patients of Chronic Renal Failure

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Educational Society for Excellence
Introduction: Conventional USG/ Doppler is considered investigation of choice in patients of chronic renal failure. However when multi-systemic involvement is suspected so also for technical reasons when sonography fails to give optimal required information we feel that spiral CT should be implemented. The present study focused on its benefit over sonography in certain conditions. Aim: Role of non-contrast enhanced spiral ct in patients of chronic renal failure. Materials and methods: The study design was a cross-sectional study done in 96 patients who were suspected to have chronic renal diseases. Results: In the present study, we have found most commonly affected age group was 38-47 years, with male dominance. Chronic and end-stage parenchymal diseases, males were more affected than females. By occupation farmers were most affected group. It was observed that 27% of the patients had no specific history; the disease progressed silently until the symptoms appeared. The most common etiological cause of renal parenchymal diseases was Hypertension and diabetes (36%). Pleural effusion was most common associated finding in this series. Conclusion: Spiral CT is a reliable and supportive investigation in management of chronic renal disease when associated multi-systemic pathologies are suspected
Renal parenchymal diseases, Spiral CT, Pleural effusion
Joshi AG.. To Assess the Role of Non Contrast Enhanced Spiral CT in Patients of Chronic Renal Failure. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2017 Jan; 4(1): 116-121