Evaluation Of Role Of Computed Tomography In Hydrocephalus And Its Itiopathologic Trends In Children Under 14 Year

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Aim of this prospective study is evaluation of role of computed tomography to detect & determine the cause, type, severity and etiopathogenesis of hydrocephalus in pediatric age group. Study was conducted in the department of Radiodiagnosis, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (C.G.). 50 consecutive cases of hydrocephalus in pediatric age group were evaluated by CT Scan. Pediatric cases who were having large head, convulsion, sign of raised intra–cranial tension, neurological deficit and evidence of ventriculomegaly by USG were taken for the study. Result – Out of 50 cases of hydrocephalus, majority of cases were less than 5 years of age (78%). The male to female ratio was 3:2. Maximum cases were of acquired type (62%) followed by congenital type (38%). In acquired type, infective lesions were predominant with 22 case (44%) and 9 cases (18%) were of neoplastic variety. Meningitis was commonest cause of hydrocephalus in acquired Varity. In congenital hydrocephalus, Aqueductal stenosis was the commonest cause (73%), followed by 4 cases (21%) of Dandy–Walker malformation and 1 case (5%) of type II Arnold Chiari malformation. Out of 50 cases there were 14 cases (28%) of communicating type and 32 cases (62%) were non–communicating and 4 cases (8%) cases of dandy walker cyst. Moderate degree of hydrocephalus were predominating being 50%. Conclusion: Computed Tomography is a valuable tool with very high diagnostic sensitivity and it helps for early detection of hydrocephalus with its cause and severity with precision.
Hydrocephalus, Computed Tomography, Paediatric Age Groups
Jaiswal Anand, Jaiswal Jyoti, Vishnudutt, Netam S. B. S. Evaluation Of Role Of Computed Tomography In Hydrocephalus And Its Itiopathologic Trends In Children Under 14 Year. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2018 Sep; 8(9): 19-22