Personality traits of young men with different diplotypes

Background: Historically in psychogenetic research the attention has been paid to describing personality traits of the carriers of some sole genotypes; but in this work the characteristic traits of carriers of catecholaminergic system MAOA and COMT genes' genotypes different combinations are presented. Methods: A psychodiagnostic toolkit included 7 types of inventories. Genotyping was conducted with the help of DNA extraction from the buccal epithelium cells with subsequent PCR diagnostics and 3 types of statistical processing. Results: It was shown that carriers of a highly active diplotype have the lowest level of aggressiveness and are inclined to cooperate in the conflict; carriers of the highly active genotype MAOA in combination with the heterozygous genotype COMT have an average level of aggressiveness and high rates of emotional lability; carriers of low-level MAOA in combination with heterozygous genotype COMT have the highest rates of motivation to achieve success and verbal aggression; carriers of low-level MAOA and highly active COMT are emotionally labile and non-aggressive. Conclusion: We conclude that male carriers of a low-active diplotype have the highest level of aggressiveness and disposition to addictive behavior, which may indicate the association of this diplotype in a sample of young Russian men with social disadaptation.
Diplotypes, genotype, MAOA-uVNTR, neurotransmitter system genes, polymorphic loci, Val158Met COMT, young men
Ermakov Pavel N, Vorobyeva Elena V, Kovsh Ekaterina M, Abakumova Irina V, Fedotova Olga D, Aralova Marina P, Latun Wladimir W, Horonko Lubov Ya. Personality traits of young men with different diplotypes. Acta Medica International. 2019 Jan-Jun; 6(1): 28-32