Effectiveness on Knowledge of Necklace Method as a Natural Family Planning Among Reproductive Age Group Mothers.

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It is estimated that human population will increase by 1 billion people in the next decade. Millions of Indian women are at risk of an unwanted pregnancy. About 70% of the women who want to space their next birth are using no family planning. The necklace method, a new, natural method of family planning, is 95% effective when used correctly. It is most appropriate for women with menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days; couples must avoid unprotected intercourse during a woman’s fertile period i.e., Days 8 through 19 of the woman’s menstrual cycle.
Unwanted pregnancy, family planning, necklace method, unprotected intercourse
Venkatesan Latha, Dhanalakshmi. Effectiveness on Knowledge of Necklace Method as a Natural Family Planning Among Reproductive Age Group Mothers. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014 Dec; 25(7): 675-677.