Heterogeneous Occlusal Traits among Monozygotic Twins from the Village of Twins – A Report of 3 Cases.

Research involving twins contributes much to the scientific world as they enable one to understand the complex morphological variations and the phenotypic expressions of various genes. Twin research study design illustrates and explains the relative contribution and interactions of genes and the environmental factors responsible for the development of a particular trait. Quantification of the genetic and environmental contributing factors enables researchers to explore the variations to various physical, behavioural disorders and dental diseases like dental caries, periodontal diseases and malocclusion. Research with monozygotic twins who share the same genetic pool and similar environmental factors estimates the expression of a particular trait by disentangling the shared genetic coding and environmental contributing features. Monozygotic twin pairs may not always be a look alike in resemblance or other features given that fact that the original zygotic genome might be altered due to epigenetic and environmental factors. This case report elaborates three monozygotic twins from a unique village of twins who differ in their occlusal characteristics.
Genetics, Kodinhi, Monozygotic twins, Occlusal Traits, Twin study
Jodalli Praveen S, Panchmal Ganesh Shenoy, Sonde Laxminarayan, Somaraj Vinej. Heterogeneous Occlusal Traits among Monozygotic Twins from the Village of Twins – A Report of 3 Cases. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2016 Nov-Dec; 2(6): 19-23.