Laser stimulation of the acupoint ‘Zusanli’ (ST.36) on the radiopharmaceutical biodistribution in Wistar rats.

Laser used to stimulate acupoints is called laser acupuncture (LA). It is generally believed that similar clinical responses to manual acupuncture can be achieved. Here we analysed the effects of the laser (904 nm) at the ‘Zusanli’ acupoint (ST.36) of the stomach meridian on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical Na99mTcO4. Wistar rats were divided into control (CG) and experimental groups (EG). The EG were exposed daily to the laser (904 nm) at ST.36 with 1 joule/min (40 mW/cm2) for 1 min. The animals of the CG were not exposed to laser at all. On the 8th day after LA, the animals were sedated and Na99mTcO4 was administered. After 10 min, the animals were all sacrificed and the organs removed. The radioactivity was counted in each organ to calculate the percentage of radioactivity of the injected dose per gram (%ATI/ g). Comparison of the %ATI/g in EG and CG was performed by Mann-Whitney test. The %ATI/g was significantly increased in the thyroid due to the stimulation of the ST.36 by laser. It is possible to conclude that the stimulation of ST.36 does lead to biological phenomena that interfere with the metabolism of the thyroid.
904 nm laser, laser acupuncture, radiopharmaceutical, ST.36, Zusanli acupoint
Frederico Eric HFF, Santos Ailton A, Sa-Caputo Danubia C, Neves Rosane F, Guimaraes Carlos AS, Chang Shyang, Bernardo-Filho Mario. Laser stimulation of the acupoint ‘Zusanli’ (ST.36) on the radiopharmaceutical biodistribution in Wistar rats. Journal of Biosciences. 2016 Mar; 41(1): 63-68.