Role of Wnt-p53-Nox Signaling Pathway in Cancer Development and Progression.

Signaling pathways play an intricate role in regulating the homeostasis of a normal cell and any chronically altered activity in such signaling pathways causes cancer. Such aberrantly activated Wnt and vanished p53 signaling contribute to the development of various carcinomas. Majority of cancer cells exhibit elevated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in an NADPH oxidases dependent manner that further enhances cellular damage. However, Nox family enzymes regulate various physiological functions; for instance, gene regulation, cellular signaling, host defense and cell differentiation. All of these processes get affected in cancer thereby signifying the role of Nox in controlling various signaling pathways such as Wnt and p53. Therefore, unraveling of complex signaling pathways underlying tumorigenesis is enforcing the development of next-generation anticancer drugs directed against specific molecular targets. This review provides an insight about Nox in regulation of Wnt and p53 pathway to govern the pathogenesis of cancer. Therefore, implementation of NOX inhibitors for inhibiting aberrant Wnt and p53 signaling could provide novel opportunities for therapeutic intervention.
Signaling, cancer, NOX, ROS, Wnt, p53, pathogenesis, therapeutics
Kumar Dhiraj, Sharma Sakshi, Verma Sagar, Kumar Pravir, Ambasta Rashmi Kumar. Role of Wnt-p53-Nox Signaling Pathway in Cancer Development and Progression. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 8(8): 651-676.