Comparison of the Partec CyScope® Rapid Diagnostic Test with Light Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis in Rural Tole, Southwest Cameroon.

Introduction/Aim: Malaria is a major public health problem and can lead to fatal consequences within few days if not diagnosed and promptly treated. The aim of this study was to determine the malaria parasite prevalence and assess the performance characteristics of the Partec CyScope® rapid diagnostic test (RDT) in Tole. Experimental Design, Place and Duration of Study: The study was a cross-sectional survey, carried out in Tole, Southwest Cameroon in July 2014. Methodology: A total of 231 children were studied. Information on demographic data, temperature and malaria risk factors was recorded. Capillary blood was collected by finger pricking. Thick and thin blood films were prepared for malaria parasite detection and speciation. Ten μL of blood was added unto the DAPI coated slides and read under the Partec CyScope®. Haemoglobin values were determined. Results and Conclusion: The overall prevalences of malaria parasites, fever and anaemia were 66.2%, 35.9% and 86.6% respectively. Although not statistically significant, malaria parasite prevalence was highest in children aged 1 – 5 years, higher in females, those that had stagnant water and bushes around their homes as well as those who did not use insecticide-treated bed nets and insecticide residual spraying when compared with their respective counterparts. Overall geometric mean parasite density (GMPD) was 3691 (range = 100 - 48000) parasites/μL of blood). GMPD was significantly higher (P = 0.03) in febrile than afebrile children. Prevalence of anaemia was significantly higher (P = 0.01) in malaria positive (68.5%) than negative (45.2%) children. More cases of infections were detected by light microscopy than by Partec CyScope®. The sensitivities and specificities of Partec CyScope® were 87.6% (CI = 81.4-91.1%) and 94.9% (CI = 87.5-98.0%) respectively while the positive and negative predictive values were 97.1% and 79.6% respectively. Partec CyScope® can therefore be used for mass malaria surveillance.
Malaria diagnosis, partec CyScope® rapid diagnostic test, performance characteristics, Cameroon
Ndamukong-Nyanga Judith Lum, Kimbi Helen Kuokuo, Sumbele Irene Ule Ngole, Bertek Sunjo Cyrilla, Lafortune Kangam, Larissa Kouodjip Nono, Gaelle Mbiakop Kemajou, Linda Ngapmen Yamadji Arlette, Hervé Nyabeyeu Nyabeyeu, Brice Assomo Ndemba Peguy, Marlyse Mbang Sophie, Tonga Calvin, Ndamukong Kenneth J N, Lehman Leopold Gustave. Comparison of the Partec CyScope® Rapid Diagnostic Test with Light Microscopy for Malaria Diagnosis in Rural Tole, Southwest Cameroon. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 8(7): 623-633.