Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Positive Skin Prick Test Results in Children with Recurrent Epistaxis.

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Background: Allergic Rhinitis is type 1 hypersensitive reaction of nasal mucosa and its primary mediator is IgE. Allergic rhinitis is mostly observed on children and adolescents. To investigate the prevalence of allergic rhinitis symptoms and positive skin prick test results in children with recurrent epistaxis. Methods: The study included 57 pediatric patients with recurrent epistaxis and a control group of 49 healthy children. Their allergic symptoms and skin test results were assessed and compared with the control group. Results: Forty-six of the 57 pediatric patients with recurrent epistaxis tested positive for at least one allergen. Nineteen of the 49 healthy children tested positive for at least one allergen. Between two groups, nasal obstruction (p=0.027), discharge (p=0. 001), sneeze (p=0. 013), itching (p=0. 002) and post-nasal drainage (p=0.004) complaints were observed significantly higher in the group having recurrent epistaxis. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that allergic sensitivity may play an important role in epistaxis of children. Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to epistaxis in this age group need to be planned accordingly, with allergic etiology.
Epistaxis, bleeding, allergy, allergic reaction, skin test, children
Yenigun Alper, Akyuz Servet. Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Positive Skin Prick Test Results in Children with Recurrent Epistaxis. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 7(3): 241-246.