Mature Ethmoid Sinus Osteoma - Incidental finding in CT.

Paranasal osteomas are not uncommon to be found as an incidental finding in routine radiological examinations. Many a times, this entity is found while undergoing computerized tomography (CT) for some other reason. Sometimes, patient comes with vague complaints not related to this finding but indirectly is responsible for few of these symptoms. We present a case of 18-years old male who presented with the complaint of vague headache of about one year duration. He underwent CT examination and was found to be having slightly uncommon mature type of ethmoid osteomas in addition to pan sinusitis.
CT, Headache, Mature ethmoid osteomas, MRI, Pan-sinusitis
Sharma Bharat Bhushan, Sharma Shweta, Aziz Mir Rizwan, Singh Shilpa, Virmani Nitish , Govila Vinay Kumar. Mature Ethmoid Sinus Osteoma - Incidental finding in CT. Indian Journal of Case Reports. 2016 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 101-103.