Effect of pinacidil on the contractile response of cyclophosphamide-treated rat vas deferens.

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Effect of pinacidil, a K+ channel opener, was studied on contractility of cyclophosphamide-treated rat vas deferens. The mean IC50 value of pinacidil against 1 mmol barium chloride induced rhythmic contractions and 40 mmol potassium chloride induced tonic contractions was significantly (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively) increased in the cyclophosphamide treated group as compared to the control. The mean EC50 value of norepinephrine (NE) in the presence of pinacidil (10(-6) mol) was significantly (P < 0.001) increased in the cyclophosphamide treated group. These findings indicate that the responsiveness of rat vas deferens smooth muscle to pinacidil is reduced following cyclophosphamide treatment.
Reddy AG, Prakash VR, Tripathi HC, Tandan SK. Effect of pinacidil on the contractile response of cyclophosphamide-treated rat vas deferens. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1999 Mar; 109(): 115-8