A simple deterministic model for host-parasite relationship in Wuchereria bancrofti infection & its relevance to parasite regulation in human host.

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A deterministic immigration-death model, which reflects the population dynamics of W. bancrofti in human host has been applied to study the relationship between vector and human infections. Application of the model showed that the rate of acquisition and loss of human infection were approximately equal (L = 0.130 and M = 0.129). The relationship of infective resting density (IRD) in vector population with maximum intensity (Imax) of infections and microfilaria prevalence (MFP) in human population were examined by using the least squares polynomial regressions. The fifth order polynomial regressions were found to be adequate to describe the observed pattern (Imax vs IRD: R2 = 0.8464, P = 0.0015; MFP vs IRD: R2 = 0.7246, P = 0.019). The observed relationships indicated that at an infective resting density of 0.26 per man hour or above, the density-dependent factors start regulating the human infections, which showed a declining trend, following this level.
Subramanian S, Vanamail P, Ramaiah KD, Pani SP, Das PK, Rajagopalan PK. A simple deterministic model for host-parasite relationship in Wuchereria bancrofti infection & its relevance to parasite regulation in human host. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1989 Nov; 89(): 411-7