Histopathological Spectrum Of Gastrointestinal Tumours.

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Background: This study was conducted to determine relative frequency of various histopathological types of gastrointestinal (GI) tumours and to evaluate them in relation to age & sex of patients and location of tumours. Methodology: Histopathological study of 91cases of gastrointestinal tumours was carried out at AMC MET Medical College from January 2011 to June 2015. Results: Of total 91 cases, peak age distribution was in the sixth decade & male to female ratio was 2.03:1. GI tumours were more common in the colorectal region (38.46%), followed by esophagus (28.57%), stomach (19.78%), small intestine (9.89%), appendix (2.20%) & anal canal (1.10%). Benign & malignant tumours comprised 10.99% & 89.01% respectively. Among malignant tumours, adenocarcinoma was the commonest type (45.68%); followed by squamous cell carcinoma (32.10%), exclusively seen in esophagus. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal tumours show a wide variation in the morphology. So, histopathological examination is mandatory for the diagnosis.
Histopathological spectrum, Gastrointestinal Tumours, Benign, Malignant
Parikh Biren J, Parikh Swati B. Histopathological Spectrum Of Gastrointestinal Tumours. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2016 Mar-Apr; 7(2): 14-17.