Association of Host and Pathogenic Variation with Sexual Transmission of HIV.

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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is genetically extremely variable due to the poor proof reading activity of its reverse transcriptase enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus isolates are highly variable over time, and exhibit changes in biological phenotype during the course of infection. Different HIV variants exist in different tissues, cells and secretions; including genital secretions and cells of human males and females. Virus present in the urogenital cells and secretions determines the risk for sexual transmission of HIV. The precise association of viral variants from genital secretions and cells in the sexual transmission of HIV to the partner is not fully understood. The presence of viral variants may influence affinity to different host cell receptors which may affect the transmission, infectivity, cellular immunity and pathogenesis of HIV. Delineation of the role of host and pathogenic variation will lead to a better understanding of the process of sexual transmission of HIV. Furthermore, it will also help in designing the strategies for development of preventive or therapeutics vaccines and microbicides for control and management of HIV/AIDS.
HIV, Host factors, Pathogenesis, Sexual transmission, Viral variants
Ajbani Seema Parmanand, Bandivdekar Atmaram Hari. Association of Host and Pathogenic Variation with Sexual Transmission of HIV. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015 Apr-June; 2(2): 90-97.