Alternative Homeopathic Therapy for Cancer Treatment: The Psorinum Therapy.

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There is a great scientific debate on homeopathic. However, despite all controversies, it has been observed that homeopathy use among cancer patient is increasing globally. In recent years a homeopathic approach called the „Psorinum‟ therapy have gained tremendous popularity among cancer patients in Kolkata, India. The advocate of this alternative cancer is Dr. Ashim Kumar Chatterjee. However, the treatment method of Dr. Chatterjee differs from classic homeopathy. The central theme of homeopathy “like cure like” in a very tiny dilution is not followed. The specific ailment versus specific medicine concept is followed instead of the concept of specific patient versus specific medicine. His method of cancer treatment is based on low potency (low dilution) homeopathic medicines and all patients received almost same set of medicines for cancer treatment. Before coming to a conclusion that homeopathic works for cancer Dr. Chatterjee researched over 15-20 years with many important low potency homeopathic medicines; however, few of these medicine viz. Psorinum, Phytolacca decandra, Hydrastic canadensis, Thuja occidentalis, Chelidonium majus, Carduus marianus, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis and Naja, gave desirable results. Initially, very few believed that homeopathy can cure cancer, hence, to establish his claim Dr. Chatterjee relied only on objective evidences. He presented many of his cured patients to the oncology forum time to time. A compilation of 25 case reports was also presented to the National Cancer Institute, USA for the „Best Case Series‟ presentation. With solid support of objec tive evidence about effectiveness, oncologists now have a positive opinion about this alternative therapy. The evolution of this therapy is discussed.
Homeopathy, Cancer treatment, Psorinum therapy
Pal Sanjoy Kumar. Alternative Homeopathic Therapy for Cancer Treatment: The Psorinum Therapy. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. 2014: Aug; 1(8) 1-10.