Thirumŭlar--pioneer of the immunology concept.

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Extraordinary longevity of life, made possible by repeated reading and following of the text Thirumandiram 3000 - written by great Siddhar Thirumŭlar. He the Prince of Mystics is one of the 18 luminous Siddhars and the first and foremost #1 Siva śiddhăndi. Historians and scholars predicted his life period between 5th to 8th centuries AD. In his teachings, he explained the kinds of 'Thavam' (Yoga) and he insisted the #2 'Kăya siddhi'. Thousands of years ago, he wrote in detail about Anatomy of microcosm, Siddha physiology, Humoural pathology, Science of pulse, Microcosmic Atom theory, Immunology concept and Immortalization of our body. His marvelous text Thirumandiram deals with Medical science, Life science, Natural science and Divine. In this article authors, discuss about the biography of Thirumŭlar and his medical works.
Rajasekaran R, Narayana A. Thirumŭlar--pioneer of the immunology concept. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 2006 Jul-Dec; 36(2): 129-44