Grotesque Elements in Basheer’sThe World Renowned Nose.

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Grotesque Realism is one of the important features of Carnival. It presents human body as multiple, incomplete and imperfect and thereby it subverts what is ideal, stable and perfect. As it is a part of Carnival, grotesque representation is basically a revolutionary action. It not only questions the existing hierarchical social structure, it also creates new formula which is egalitarian in nature. The present paper analyses how the famous Malayalam novelist and short story writer Vaikom Muhammed Basheer has made use of the technique of grotesque realism in his novel The World Renowned Nose (ViswaVikyadhamayaMookk). The story focuses on the growth of a nose which has become a matter of dispute and sensation among intellectuals. Basheer also gives a touch of satire and black humour to the story.
Grotesque, Bakhtin, Basheer, Satire, Carnivalesque
Bari C Abdul. Grotesque Elements in Basheer’sThe World Renowned Nose. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. 2014 May; 1(5): 114-117.