Construction of a Unexploited Developed Society as the Chief Aim of Marxism.

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Normally we think that the aim of Marxism is social change. But the aim of Marxism is not only that, their aim is to form a developed society. So, in this paper I made an attempt to discuss how Marxism wants to give a developed form to the society through the dialectical method. According to Karl Marx exploitation in society is due to the private property. Because the property owners always try to exploit the labour class for getting more and more amount of money from their property. So Marx tries to abolish the private property from the society. He argues that the abolition of private property means in essence the social ownership of the principal means of production. And production by machines must be taken away from the owners but the technique has to be used for the benefit of the whole society. The aim of Marxism is man's all-round development. Marx thinks that this all-round development will not come automatically. It has to be achieved through the dialectical struggle of man himself. This dialectical struggle is not mere blind helpless protest. It is to fight for establishing the socialist society. Thus Marx brings in to existence the real socialist movement for establishment of an unexploited developed society.
Social change, Developed form of society, Private property, Social ownership, Dialectical struggle
Debnath S. Construction of a Unexploited Developed Society as the Chief Aim of Marxism. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. 2014 Apr; 1(4): 171-174.