A Case of Perianal Abscess Due to Prostatic Abscess.

Abscess, is a condition that often occurs in the anorectal region. Anorectal abscesses are more frequently seen in men than women (2:1 or 3:1) and often seen in 3th-5th decades. Prostatic abscess, which is a rare condition today, has been thought that originated from prostatitis. A 50 year old male patient, was admitted to our urology clinic with the complaints of urinary frequency and dysuria for last two months. There is no prominent feature other than diabetes in the patient's history and asymmetric growth found on the left lobe in rectal examination of the prostate. The patients presenting with clinically anorectal abscess should be assessed properly with history, physical examination, laboratory, and imaging findings and also rarely underlying causes of inflammation of adjacent organs such as the prostate abscess should be kept in mind.
Anorectal abscess, prostatic abscess, diabetes mellitus
Sit Mustafa, Uyeturk Uğur, Kemahli Eray, Ikiz Ozgur, Kargi Ertugrul. A Case of Perianal Abscess Due to Prostatic Abscess. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2014 Dec; 4(36): 5629-5634.