Cross Sectional Study of Second and Fourth Digit Ratio with Physical Attributes in South Indian Population.

Background: Study of the index (2D) and ring (4D) digit ratios and their association with some physical characteristics of South Indian Population was done to determine the values of 2D:4D digit ratios and their association with other anthropometric variables. Materials and Methods: 160 adults (80 males and 80 females) between ages of 18 years and above were randomly selected with exclusion of those with hand deformities. The digit lengths were measured from the basal crease to the tips using vernier calipers. The 2D:4D ratios were determined for each subject while height and weight were used to calculate the body mass index and data analyzed. Results: The results showed significant difference in 2D:4D ratio between males and females. (p<0.001). Mean height of males exceeded the mean height of females and the mean weight of males exceeded the mean weight of females .Mean BMI of males also exceeded that of females. There was a positive correlation between the second digit length and Height and weight in males and females both on right and left sides. There was also a significant correlation weight and second digit length in males.The 2D:4D ratio for both left and right hand did not show any positive correlation with height, weight or BMI of an individual from people of South India. Conclusion: The results show a positive correlation between the digit lengths and height in both males and females and between weight and second digit length in case of males but the 2D:4D digit ratio had no relationship to height ,weight or BMI.The analysis also demonstrated that the males have greater 2D:4D ratio compared to females. The results of the study can be of importance in the field of forensic anthropology.
2D:4D ratio, anthropometry, finger, height, weight, BMI
Jacob Meera, Avadhani Ramakrishna, Bindhu S, Nallathamby Rani, Soman Meril Ann. Cross Sectional Study of Second and Fourth Digit Ratio with Physical Attributes in South Indian Population. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2015 Apr-Jun; 3(2): 1133-1137.