Langer’s Axillary Arch and Its Clinical Implications.

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Introduction: The axillary arch muscle of Langer is the most common anatomical variant of axillary musculature which is of clinical and surgical importance. It may lead to neurovascular compression syndrome in the cervicoaxillary region and can be misinterpreted while examining axilla and also impairs movements of shoulder joint. Observation: During routine dissection of axilla for undergraduate teaching, an unusual muscular slip in the left axilla was observed .The muscular slip was extending from lattisimus dorsi muscle to undersurface of pectoralis major muscle, arching over axillary vessels and cords of brachial plexus. Conclusion: The axillary arch may cause obstruction to axillary vessels and nerves and may be involved in thoracic outlet syndrome and shoulder instability. The knowledge of this muscular variant could help to minimize intraoperative complications related to surgeries in or nearby axilla such as mastectomy, breast reconstruction and axillary lymphadenectomy or lymph node biopsy.
Axillary arch, Langer’s muscle, Axilla, Anomalous muscle
Jyothi K C, Anupama K, Shetty Shailaja, Radhika P M. Langer’s Axillary Arch and Its Clinical Implications. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2014 Jul-Sep; 2(3): 481-484.