Primordial Dental Vision.

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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Gentle introduction to the dental environment is an excellent way to learn proper oral hygiene at an early age. A retrospective study from the year 2009-08/2012 and prospective study from the year 09/2012-08/2013 was carried out using the records of children who have reported to OPD of Pediatric Dentistry, CKS Dental College at Tirupathi. The age group of the children were0-3years, 3-6years and above 6years. The various chief complaints were categorized as pain, cavities, stains, bad breath, un-erupted tooth, fractures, irregular teeth and others. The average age group and most common complaint at first dental visit was assessed. The maximum number of children who reported for the first time was above 6years and most common complaint was dental caries and second most common complaint being pain.
First dental visit, Retrospective and prospective study, Age group, Dental caries
Kommineni Naveen Kumar, Kumar S Aravind. Primordial Dental Vision. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2014 Apr-June; 6(2): 1-6.