A Study on Division of Brachial Artery and Its Clinical Correlations.

Background: The brachial artery begins as the continuation of 3rd part of axillary artery at the distal border of teres major muscle. It terminates about a centimetre below the elbow joint at the level of neck of radius into radial and ulnar arteries. Context & purpose of study: The present study was done on 30 cadavers in department of anatomy to find out any variations in division pattern of the brachial artery. Results: Variations were found in two cadavers. An unusual short segment of the brachial artery which divide at middle of arm was found in right upper limb of one cadaver. There was a high origin of the radial artery from axillary artery found in right upper limb of one cadaver. The variations can be explained on the basis of embryological development. conclusions: The knowledge of branching pattern of brachial artery is useful for physicians, surgeons, nephrologists, radiologist and interventionist in various surgical procedures and also for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Brachial artery, Radial artery, Ulnar artery, Variations
Gujar Subhash M, Oza Sunil G, Shekhawat Jaidevsingh P, Vikani Sanjay K, Prajapati Sweta B. A Study on Division of Brachial Artery and Its Clinical Correlations. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2014 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 208-212.