Feeding Obturator - A Presurgical Prosthetic Aid For Infants With Cleft Lip And Palate - Clinical Report.

Cleft lip and palate is a congenital deformity that may be associated with various craniofacial problems and crumbles the overall development of the child. Early surgical treatment is imperative but may need to be postponed until certain age and weight gain of the infant. The present article is a case report of an infant with cleft lip and palate for whom a feeding obturator was the treatment of choice. It describes various problems associated with cleft lip and palate, available treatment modalities; and advantages of the feeding obturator.
Cleft lip and Palate, Feeding Obturator
Narendra R, Purna C R Sashi, Reddy Sashi Deepth, Reddy N Simhachalam, Reddy P Sesha, Prasad B Rajendra. Feeding Obturator - A Presurgical Prosthetic Aid For Infants With Cleft Lip And Palate - Clinical Report. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2013 Apr-June; 5(2): 1-5.