Prevalence And Distribution of Vertical Osseous Defects In Patients Being Treated For Chronic Periodontitis.

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Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of vertical osseous defects in patients who underwent open flap debridement. Methods: A total of 83 subjects were examined for prevalence of vertical defects using direct observation during periodontal surgery. All patients required periodontal surgery in one or more segments. The diagnosis of periodontitis was made after clinical and radiographic examination. Periodontal surgery was performed on each patient and full thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated to gain access to root and osseous structures. The vertical osseous defects were explored surgically using mouth mirror, explorer and a periodontal probe. Results: A total of 141 vertical osseous defects were detected in the 677 teeth assessed during surgical exposure. Of these 81 vertical defects were found in the maxilla and 60 vertical defects were found in the mandible. Craters accounted for almost 44% of the total defects. The posterior maxilla had the highest percentage of teeth with vertical defects (26.23%) while the mandibular anterior segment had the lowest percentage of vertical defects. Conclusion: The posterior maxilla had the highest percentage of vertical osseous defects which can be explained by the fact that greater thickness of supporting bone allows formation of a greater number of infrabony defects. Craters were found to be the most common defect.
Vertical defects, Craters, Periodontal disease, Intrabony defect, Infrabony defect, Bone resorption
Buddula Arvind, Bhat Mahalinga, Assad Deniel A, Thomas Betsy. Prevalence And Distribution of Vertical Osseous Defects In Patients Being Treated For Chronic Periodontitis. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2011 July-Sept; 3(3): 23-27.