Avicenna's contribution to the development and progress of medical sciences.

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Avicenna was born in the village of Belkh near Bukhara in Persia. He was a very famous philosopher, wiseman and an efficient physician. He wrote more than one hundred books on all aspects and sciences known in his time i.e. philosophy, wisdom, religion, mathematics, sophism, literature, poetry and medicine. In medicine, the most celebrated of them is "Al-Qanun fil Tibb", which surpassed other similar books on medicine and considered the biggest medical encyclopaedia of his time. Those orientalists who believe in Greek medicine consider this book as the only textbook on the art of curing and recovery.
El-Gammal SY. Avicenna's contribution to the development and progress of medical sciences. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 1994 Jan; 24(1): 15-27