Avicenna's approach to cardiac diseases.

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Abu Ali el Husain Bin Abdullah Bin Sina (980-1037 A.D.) known as 'Sheik et Rayees, Ibne-e-Sina' in Arab countries and 'Avicenna' in Western countries, was the first man who considered the psychology and emotions of human beings from physiological point of view, and gave the then, possible explanation of different emotional states and their effects on human body. He related psychology with medicine and proved that all emotional states e.g. pleasure, grief, anger and worry and the others are deeply concerned with the shape of the heart, types of blood and body fluids (humours). Not only he proved this but has also described the management and treatment of these conditions, and was the pioneer in this field. He discussed the action of drugs on heart and mentioned their indications and contra-indications. He based the morality and behaviour of a person on the temperament of the heart and spirit. According to him, appraising the particular characteristic behaviour of a person, information may be obtained about the temperament of the heart and spirit. He is of the opinion that different attributes of a person, e.g. boldness, cowardliness, misery, benevolence, happiness, sorrowfulness, worries and anger, etc. can be controlled and managed medically. Nobody, before him, had shed any light on this subjet.
Ali MI. Avicenna's approach to cardiac diseases. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 1993 Jul; 23(2): 137-41