Erosive Lichen Planus of the Oral Cavity: A Case Report.

Erosive lichen planus (LP) is a clinical form of oral LP characterized by the bilateral presentation of erosive and erythematous areas in the oral cavity usually the buccal mucosa with predominance in middle aged females with undue stress factors. In this article, we are giving a case report of a 56-year-old female patient who came to our Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology with a chief complaint of burning sensation of the mouth to hot and spicy food. The diagnosis was given as erosive LP. We also aim to review the literature and management of the lesion with reference to the same.
Burning sensation, Erosive lichen planus, Oral lichen planus, Topical steroids, Wickham’s striae
Raj P Rajesh, Rawather Nadah Najeeb, James Jittin, Siyad K P, Padiyath Sheeba. Erosive Lichen Planus of the Oral Cavity: A Case Report. IJSS Journal of Surgery 2015 July-Aug; 1(4): 24-28.