Antimalarial plants of northeast India: An overview.

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The need for an alternative drug for malaria initiated intensive efforts for developing new antimalarials from indigenous plants. The information from different tribal communities of northeast India along with research papers, including books, journals and documents of different universities and institutes of northeast India was collected for information on botanical therapies and plant species used for malaria. Sixty-eight plant species belonging to 33 families are used by the people of northeast India for the treatment of malaria. Six plant species, namely, Alstonia scholaris, Coptis teeta, Crotolaria occulta, Ocimum sanctum, Polygala persicariaefolia, Vitex peduncularis, have been reported by more than one worker from different parts of northeast India. The species reported to be used for the treatment of malaria were either found around the vicinity of their habitation or in the forest area of northeast India. The most frequently used plant parts were leaves (33%), roots (31%), and bark and whole plant (12%). The present study has compiled and enlisted the antimalarial plants of northeast India, which would help future workers to fi nd out the suitable antimalarial plants by thorough study.
Alkaloids, malaria, medicinal plants, mosquito repellents, northeast India, traditional knowledge of medicine
Shanker Rama, Deb Sourabh, Sharma B K. Antimalarial plants of northeast India: An overview. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2012 Jan-Mar; 3(1): 10-16.