Study of Pulmonary Function Tests of Traffic Policemen In Jammu Region.

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The present study was carried out to assess the lung functions of traffic policemen in Jammu region. A cross sectional study was carried out among 100 traffic policemen and compared with healthy persons with the subgroup comparison among rural and urban areas. Lung function like FVC, FEV1 , FEV3,PEFR & MVV on computerized spirometry. The results revealed that all lung functions were lower than the healthy controls and differences were statistically marked in FVC,FEV1, ,PEFR. Intergroup comparison between rural and urban revealed that police personnel's posted in rural areas had better lung function than urban counterpart which varied among each other statistically significantly .(FVC -0.04,FEV1- 0.0003,FEV3-0.0001,MVV-0.003,PEFR-0.03). The traffic policemen exposed to air pollution have lower lung function than the healthy persons and those posted at rural areas have better lung function
PFTs, Traffic Policemen, Occupational Hazards
Raina Vijay, Sachdev Sunil, Gupta Rajiv Kumar. Study of Pulmonary Function Tests of Traffic Policemen In Jammu Region. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2014 Jul-Sept; 16(3): 122-125.