Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm versus aneurysm a diagnosis dilemma.

Free wall rupture of the left ventricle (LV) is a rare but life‑threatening complication of acute myocardial infaction. Very rarely such rupture may be contained by the adhering pericardium creating a pseudoaneurysm. This condition warrants for an emergency surgery. Left ventricular aneurysm is the discrete thinning of the ventricular wall (<5 mm) with akinetic or dyskinetic wall motion causing an out‑pouching of the ventricle. Given the propensity for pseudoaneurysms to rupture leading to cardiac tamponade, shock, and death, compared with a more benign natural history for true aneurysms, accurate diagnosis of these conditions is important. True aneurysm, usually, calls for an elective surgery. Clinically differentiating the two conditions remains a challenge. We report the case of a patient with LV pseudoaneurysm, initially diagnosed as true aneurysm at our institution. We have attempted to review the existing literature and discussed the characteristic findings of each entity.
Aneurysm, Myocardial infarction, Pseudoaneurysm
Bisoyi Samarjit, Dash Anjan K, Nayak Debashish, Sahoo Satyajit, Mohapatra Raghunath. Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm versus aneurysm a diagnosis dilemma. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2016 Jan; 19(1): 169-172.