Tear Secretion and Tear Film Function in Diabetics.

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In the present study, the evaluation of the amount of the tear production, the stability of the tear film and the condition of the conjunctival surface by the use of impression cytology in the diabetics and the non diabetic individuals was done to detect the possible tear film anomalies in the Type 2 diabetic patients. We performed Schirmer 1 test, TFBUT (Tear film break up time) and CIC (Conjunctional Impression Cytology) on each subject in both groups. The mean values for Schirmer 1 test, TFBUT were significantly decreased in diabetes patient as compared to healthy controls. The CIC revealed pronounced degree of metaplasia with loss of goblet cells in diabetic patients. We found decreased tear production, unstable tear film and squamous metaplasia in diabetic patients.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Tear Secretion, TFBUT, CIC
Gupta Indu, Mengi R K, Bhardwaj Subash. Tear Secretion and Tear Film Function in Diabetics. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2010 Oct-Dec; 12(4): 172-174