Programmed Labor For Optimizing Labor And Delivery.

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To evaluate the efficacy of Programmed Labor protocol in providing shorter, safer and a relatively pain free delivery.The study was conducted in Obstetrics & Gynecology deptt of Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana. 30 primigravidae were included into the study and treated as per protocol. Labor outcome was analyzed in terms of mean rate of cervical dilatation, mean duration of first, second and third stages of labor, average blood loss, mode of delivery, maternal and neonatal morbidity. 50 primigravidae as controls were also included in the study and analyzed for the same parameters. The mean rate of cervical dilatation in the study group was 2.3cm/hr, which was almost double of the control group. There was marked shortening of all the stages of labor. Average blood loss was comparatively less in the study group. 70% of women in the study group had significant pain relief. Majority of women in the study group delivered vaginally. 2 (6.7%) babies born to these mothers had an Apgar Score < 7 but there was no perinatal mortality. Programmed labor protocol can safely lead to shorter labors and significant pain relief without any major increase in maternal or neonatal morbidity.
Programmed Labor Protocol, Pain Relief, Safe Delivery
Yuel Veronica Irene, Kaur Vaneet, Kaur Dilpreet. Programmed Labor For Optimizing Labor And Delivery. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2008 Apr-June;10(2): 62-64