Corneo- Conjunctival Auto Grafting in Pterygium Surgery

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To evaluate the efficacy of conjunctival auto grafting in surgical management of primary and recurrent pterygium, the record of 150 patients comprising 47 females and 103 males who underwent corneocunjunctival auto graft transplant surgery for primary and recurrent pterygia from 1997 to 2003 was reviewed retrospectively. Follow up was done for six months after the surgery. Recurrence of pterygium was considered as failure. All grafts were transplanted promptly. Recurrence was noted in four patients (2.6%). Mild discomfort in the immediate post-operative period was noted in all the patients. Donor site healed without any complication in all the patients.The results indicate that corneo-conjunctival autograft transplantation is an effective treatment for management of both primary & recurrent pterygia.
Corneo-conjunctival auto graft, Recurrent pterygium
Sharma Ashok K, Wali Vijay, Pandita Archana. Corneo- Conjunctival Auto Grafting in Pterygium Surgery. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2004 Jul-Sept;6(3): 149-152