In vitro biomechanical evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament graft substitutes.

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The study was undertaken to identify an isoelastic graft material for the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Double transducer ultrasonic pulse transmission method was employed for determining the elastic properties of normal ACL in comparison with various graft materials like the central third of the patellar tendon, semitendinosus and iliotibial band in different twisted forms. The elasticity and rigidity parameters were studied by taking ACL as being equal to 100 per cent. Our results indicated that the strength of the graft depended upon the density of the collagen bundles and elastic properties depended upon the pretensioning of the graft.
Krishna KV, Sagar JV. In vitro biomechanical evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament graft substitutes. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1994 Dec; 100(): 295-8