Orbital Chondroma: A rare mesenchymal tumor of orbit.

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While relatively common in the skeletal system, cartilaginous tumors are rarely seen originating from the orbit. Here, we report a rare case of an orbital chondroma. A 27‑year‑old male patient presented with a painless hard mass in the superonasal quadrant (SNQ) of left orbit since 3 months. On examination, best‑corrected visual acuity of both eyes was 20/20, with normal anterior and posterior segment with full movements of eyeballs and normal intraocular pressure. Computerized tomography scan revealed well defined soft tissue density lesion in SNQ of left orbit. Patient was operated for anteromedial orbitotomy under general anesthesia. Mass was excised intact and sent for histopathological examination (HPE). HPE report showed lobular aggregates of benign cartilaginous cells with mild atypia suggesting of benign cartilaginous tumor ‑ chondroma. Very few cases of orbital chondroma have been reported in literature so far.
Benign cartilaginous tumor, orbital chondroma, orbitotomy
Kabra Ruchi S, Patel Sonal B, Shanbhag Swapna S. Orbital Chondroma: A rare mesenchymal tumor of orbit. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2015 June; 63(6): 551-554.