Reversibility of Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry Abnormalities at 3 Months in Term Newborns with Hyperbilirubinemia.

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Background: High bilirubin level is toxic to developing brain and auditory system but the current debate surrounds the toxicity of bilirubin in healthy term infants. Methods: Longitudinal observational study to find BERA abnormalities in term newborns with isolated hyperbilirubinemia of 20 mg/dL and more and to follow up babies at 3 months to find out about the reversibility in BERA abnormalities noted at birth. Results: BERA abnormalities were present in 17.64% of babies with isolated hyperbilirubinemia at discharge. There was a reversibility of BERA abnormalities in 61.61% during follow up. Conclusion: BERA abnormalities are reversible in term neonates with hyperbilirubinemia.
BERA, Hearing, Follow-up, Outcome, Term neonates
Vinodh M, Ambikapathy P, Aravind M A, Ganesh J. Reversibility of Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry Abnormalities at 3 Months in Term Newborns with Hyperbilirubinemia. Indian Pediatrics. 2014 February; 51(2): 134-135.