Sickle Cell Anemia from Central India: A Retrospective Analysis.

Although sickle cell anemia in India is believed to have a mild clinical presentation, few studies report severe disease in many patients from central India. Hence, we have retrospectively studied 316 children with SCA who were followed up for a period of 5.8±5.7 years. There were 55.4 blood transfusions, 43.3 episodes of vaso-occlusive crises requiring hospitalization, and 108.9 hospitalizations per 100 person years. Ninety six (30%) patients had severe disease whereas 74 patients also fulfilled the criteria for hydroxyurea therapy. Significant proportion of children with sickle cell anemia from central India present with severe clinical presentation and require regular medical attention.
Sickle cell anemia, Central India, Children
Jain Dipty, Italia Khushnooma, Sarathi Vijaya, Ghoshand Kanjaksha, Colah Roshan. Sickle Cell Anemia from Central India: A Retrospective Analysis. Indian Pediatrics. 2012 November; 49(11): 911-913.