Ocular Coloboma Associated with Iris Heterochromia: A Case Report.

Coloboma of the eyelids, lens, iris, ciliary body, choroid, retina and/or optic nerve arise from failed or incomplete closure of the embryonic fi ssure during development. A ocular colobomas may extend from the pupillary frill of the iris anteriorly to the optic disc posteriorly. Th e ocular colobomata may be associated with many systemic and ocular congenital anomalies. A coloboma can occur in one eye (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral). People with coloboma may have no vision problems or may be blind, depending on severity. We report a case of unilateral typical coloboma of the iris, retina, and choroid associated with heterochromia of the iris.
Coloboma, Embryonic fissure, Heterochromia of iris
Maiya Anitha S, Madan Reagan, Jayaram R, Zalaki Basavaraj, Reddy D Pavan Kumar. Ocular Coloboma Associated with Iris Heterochromia: A Case Report. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2015 Sept; 2(4): 15-18.