Assessment of pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case-control study.

Background: As other microvascular complications, respiratory involvement is far less studied among patients with type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Objective: to study the extent of pulmonary function limitation among patients with type-2 DM. Methods: Hospital based matched case-control study. Results: Total of 90 cases and 90 controls matched for age, sex, height and weight were recruited. Patients with DM had neuropathy [63.3% (57; male=27: Female: 30)], retinopathy [44.4% (40; male=22: Female: 18)], nephropathy [41.1% (37; male=17: Female: 20)] and microalbuminuria [14.4% (13; male=5: Female: 8)]. All cases and 88 controls observed with FEV1:FVC ratio of >70.0%, further assessment for delineation of normal and restrictive pattern patients with high level of predicted values of FEV1 as compare to FVC showed that significantly (P = 0.00) more (Cases: 76.6%; Controls: 42.2%) cases had FEV1 >FVC predicted levels as compare to controls, means among diabetics odds of restrictive pattern of lung abnormality is four times (OR: 4.4; CI: 2.3-8.5) more as compare to non-diabetics. In addition a long duration of DM was significantly (r: 0.39; P = 0.00) positively correlated with lung dysfunction. Conclusion: Patients with type 2 DM patients as compare to its controls observed with restrictive pattern of lung dysfunction.
Pulmonary function test, Diabetes mellitus
Kapoor Dhiraj, Kumar Pankaj, Ranjan Asha, Sharma Kailash Nath, Dogra Varun Deep, Bansal Rekha, Sharma K K, Kumar Dinesh. Assessment of pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case-control study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2015 Jan; 3(1): 207-213.