Clinic-based Assessment of Folate Levels for Women of Reproductive Age, as an Impact Indicator for a National Food Fortification Program in Tanzania.

Objectives: To determine prevalence of folate deficiency and effectiveness of the National Food Fortification Program on folate levels among women of reproductive age in Tanzania. Methods: A Prospective cohort study comparing participants’ folate levels prior and gradually upon the roll-out and scale-up of the national food fortification program. A total of 636 women of reproductive age (18-49 years) enrolled and undergoing follow-up across 10 primary health facilities in Dar Es Salaam. Blood samples, food frequency, and fortified food consumption data collected at baseline (prior the program roll out), 6, 9 and 12 months. Serum folate assays performed using e411Cobas machine and results merged with food frequency and intake data. Results: We present baseline and follow-up data, estimating pre & fortification era folate levels for women of reproductive age in Tanzania. More than 25% of women have pre-fortification intake <80% their RDA for folate (mean 446, median 416, IQR ranging between 313-551micrograms). Wheat consumption is high with median portion intake of wheat-carbohydrates approximating 1 portion/day. demographics, complementing serum folate assays results will be presented. Conclusions: Low folate intake and high wheat consumption suggest potential for mandatory folate fortification of wheat in Tanzania.
Noor Ramadhani Abdallah, Mshamu Salum, Ulenga Nzovu, Hertzmark Ellen, Fawzi Wafaie, Benjamin Margaret, Kaishozi George, Tatala Simon, Dhillon Christina Nyhus, Mwiru Ramadhani Gunaratna…. Clinic-based Assessment of Folate Levels for Women of Reproductive Age, as an Impact Indicator for a National Food Fortification Program in Tanzania. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety. 2015 Special issue; 5(5): 987-988.