Radiological analysis of interstitial lung diseases.

Aims and objectives: To diagnose interstitial lung diseases using HRCT and chest X-Ray and to study and compare the different radiography patterns evident in both conventional chest radiography and HRCT. Material and method: The present study was a prospective and observational (non interventional) type of study. This study aimed evaluating patients coming to the Radiology Department of Dhiraj General Hospital, by using X-RAY and CT scan so as to achieve aims and objectives outlined. Results: Of the 48 patients, 28 patients were males (58.33%) and 20 (41.67%) were females. The age of the patients ranged from 39 years to 80 years. The common diseases included in the study were idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (25%), idiopathic NSIP (16.5%), rheumatoid arthritis (14.5%), lymphangitis carcinomatosis (8.33%). Conclusion: In our study, 48 patients were radiologically evaluated with X - ray and CT-Scan. Chest X is a primary modality used to screen patients with lung pathologies, being cheap, easy to perform and requires less radiation. HRCT is the modality of choice for diagnosis of interstital lung diseases.
Interstitial lung diseases, X-rays, HRCT
Rentia Meraj, Singla Himanshu, Malpani Divya, Vaishnav Tushar, Jhala Pradeep. Radiological analysis of interstitial lung diseases. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2015 Jun; 2(6): 69-76.