Unilateral simian crease in a 3 years old child - A case report.

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Unilateral simian crease (USC) is a single transverse crease that extends from across the palm of one of the hands. The presence of a single transverse palmar crease or the simian crease (SC) can be seen in normal individuals. The significance of USC lies in the fact that it can also be associated with abnormal medical conditions. Literature review indicates that there is strong coincidence with the presence of a SC and presence of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in these subset of patients. USC is seen in 10% of the population. In this case report, a three year old child was detected to have a SC, especially an USC in one of his palms.
Unilateral simian crease, Dysmorphology, Palmar creases, Trisomy 21
Sunilkumar Menon Narayanankutty. - Unilateral simian crease in a 3 years old childA case report. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2015 Apr; 2(4): 195-198.