A study on nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on growth and Physiology of Plumbago Zeylanica.L.

Organisms that are commonly used as biofertilizers component are nitrogen fixers (N-fixer), potassium solubilizer (K-solubilizer) and phosphorus solubilizer (P- solubilizer), or with the combination of molds or fungi. Most of the bacteria included in biofertilizer have close relationship with plant roots. In this work we have selected plumbago zeylanica.L plant to study the effect of Azotobacter on the growth of roots, stem, and leaves. Also biochemical characterization was done to identify the effect of Azotobacter in Plumbago. The maximum shoot length was recorded in T4 plants (43.51) on 90th days of plant growth after transplanting the plants. There was a significant increase at 5 % level in the root length from 30th days to 90th days in all the treatments. The maximum number of leaves were found in T4 treatment followed by T3 and T2. Minimum numbers of leaves were found in T1 (1083). On 60th day and 90th day also the total chlorophyll content was maximum in T4 treated plants followed by T3, T2 plants. The amount of reducing sugars (μg/g) in shoots of T4, T3 and T2 plants on 30th, 60th and 90th days were significantly high when compared to T1 plants. The content of protein in roots of T2, T3 and T4 plants on 30th, 60th and 90th days were significantly high when compared to protein content of T1 plants.
Plumbago zeylanica, Azatobacter, Biofertilizer, nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilizing
Rao D Haribabu, Vijaya T, Naidu B V Ramana, Subramanyam P, Rayalu D Jayasimha. A study on nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on growth and Physiology of Plumbago Zeylanica.L. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2012 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 278-290.